I Hear Ya Productions
Your asking yourself --- what is WOODSTUMP??? Well, I'll tell you.

WOODSTUMP is "Our Outdoor Music Festival" where we have local bands come out and
play. We hold this event each year in Peotry, TX

If you would like to attend, please feel free to bring a tent and camp out for the night. We will have Burgers, Dogs, Chips & and Softdrinks for sale and, oh -- it's also B.Y.O.B. (cans only).

We will also have WOODSTUMP commemerative T-Shirts and Koozies on sale while supplies last.

It's a day FULL of GOOD MUSIC, FOOD, FUN, and we will be waiting on you to get started.

21 & up - $5.00 for parking.

Woodstump 2003 was a huge success and we hope to see everyone back out for Stump 04. Also, if you would like to order the DVD from years past just let us know and we can get that right over to you.